Weight Calculator
Step 1
Add Room
Step 2
Add Items
Step 3
Use this tool to estimate the weight of your household goods.
If for some reason, you can't do an on site estimate, our online moving weight calculator can help. This tool will estimate the weight of your shipment. Please note, the tool is not 100% accurate; it will calculate the weight of your belongings based on industry average.
Click "Start" to view the default room options. Select the rooms you need, or add custom rooms if necessary.
"If you are looking for a free quote or simply for a piece of advice, we are always ready to share it with you, along with the experience we have gained all along."
1. Please select your rooms, or customize your rooms according to your requirement
Select Rooms
"If you are looking for a free quote or simply for a piece of advice, we are always ready to share it with you, along with the experience we have gained all along."
2. Here, your selected rooms will appear, you can add default items or Customize your items for each room. You can adjust the quantity of items in next step
Select Items
"If you are looking for a free quote or simply for a piece of advice, we are always ready to share it with you, along with the experience we have gained all along."
3. Review the selected items, adjust quantities as needed, and submit the form to calculate the total weight.
Your Selected Items